Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Parenting Chronicles

Let me start this with informing y'all that I'm a mother of 2, a 4yo pre-schooler and an unborn baby. Lol. I'm still waiting for my "bunso" to come out. I'm on my 37th week so yea, just counting the days till i meet my little one. 

Parenting was never easy. I was reading a lot of post about parenting. Yes they are informative however, I must say that parenting will always vary from case to case. Not every suggestion or observation would be applicable to every kid. In my take, as long as you show love more than any other emotion is enough to become a better parent. 

I'm guilty of being a disciplinarian-mom. I would say no most of the times. It just that i can't bear to have a spoiled-brat kid. We are living with my parents so yea, Grandma and Grandpa are already giving her everything so I must sacrifice and be the antagonist. In my end, as long as I'm giving her genuine love and support, I know I will be a better mom. 

Let's not give a damn what society will say about our parenting. We know what's best for our children. Let's stop comparing and just focus on our own families. Hoping that time will come and all of the parents out there will claim that they've become the parents they want them to be. 

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