Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Ondoy Experience


I came across on an fb post regarding the typhoon that devastated Metro Manila wayback Sept 2010. Since I couldn’t think of any topic to discuss, I will just share my experience during this time.

It was raining all day, We’re at home doing the usual stuff we do on a weekend. I’m infront of the desktop when I noticed that the water’s filling up our toilet and in just a moment, the flood entered our house. The first thing I saved was our desktop, then the stuff in the lower parts of our cabinet, then I helped in moving the fridge, TV and everything else. It was the first time that our village suffered from flood. Good thing was our house is located on the higher ground that’s why the flood only reached knee-deep, pity to those who live on the lower part of our village where the flood almost reached their roof. However, on the positive side, you’ll see that everyone in the neighborhood is willing to help each other in every way. Some went on homes that need help in lifting furnitures and some opened their home and offered food to those people whose home is submerged with water.

We’re lucky that we had only experienced flooding, Unlike the other parts of Metro, where some lost their homes and worst, lost their lives.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Breastfeeding Journey


I wasn’t able to breastfed my first-born, just because she was introduced to formula milk right after she was born, I don’t know why but the hospital gave it to her without our consent, which made me and my daughter didn’t put so much effort on the breastfeeding journey. She’s not a fan of being breastfed.

Until I got preggy with my son, which made me consider of exclusively breastfeeding him maybe up until 6mos old or more. Not only that it is healthy and good for the baby, but also, we can save a lot of money from formula milk. I had invensted on this bf journey, I bought an electric pump, nursing pillow, lactating goods and vitamins, nursing cover, etc.

I had encountered challenges like, I felt I’m not producing or pumping enough milk, that even when I squeezed my boobies, there’s no milk coming out from it anymore. Then, my son got this skin allergy that we don’t even know what caused it, which I thought it’s from my milk, that he’s allergic to it, only to found out that it’s from the water that we’re using to wash him. I also think I’m having PPD(Post-Partum Depression). There’s so many instances that I almost gave up on breastfeeding but something inside me pushes to keep going. I’m proud to say that i’ve overcome those challenges. I’m contected with my milk production though I’m still working on it. We’ll never know, I might have a massive milk stash soon. :)

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Delivery Story

Been hiatus for more than a month now.. it’s because I gave birth to my second-born last August 7, ‘19. He was delivered via CS section(just b’coz my first born was delivered via CS too). He was scheduled to be delivered on 08/08/19, however, my water is already leaking by 08/07 so my OB decided to deliver him that day. 

I’m kinda disappointed on how my delivery turns out with my son. I’m really aiming to deliver him naturally, yet my OB seems not to like that idea. I’ve learned that its possible to have a normal delivery after one CS section. It will just depend on how the OB would prepare the preggy mother throughout the whole pregnancy. The fact that my water’s leaking and I have a dilated cervix means I will go to labor on that day(which is just my 39th week). We could’ve just wait and tried if I can deliver naturally. If and if we will encounter complications then we can deliver via CS as planned but if there’s none then maybe I will have the chance to experience delivering naturally ... but she didn’t let me do it. It just that I lost my faith in my OB that she is a good one. 

Anyhow, Let me share you some snaps of my son. 

Is’nt he adorable? Ü

Monday, August 5, 2019


I will certainly add this tattoo on my body prolly after I gave birth. 

Currently, I have 2 tattooes on my body. One on my wrist and one on the nape. I got my first tattoo way back in college. It's just a cheap one since I had it as an assistance to my friend who is having a financial problem. 

I regret having it since I really got it as a shotgun tattoo. I didn't think the design and the meaning of my ink thoroughly. So, last year, I decided to cover up my nape tattoo and trusted a begginer artist to do it. I'm contented with the design however, it's a disaster again cause it's not symmetrical.... that's what I get for looking a cheap artist to do my ink. Well lesson learned though. 

Hoping to fix and cover up all my tattoo when the time comes that I've finally decided that I will not pursue any corporate jobs anymore. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2019


I tried tweaking my blog's theme. unfortunately, I'm not good at tweaking anymore. It seems like basic CSS left my central nervous system already. So I decided to get a minimalist theme and tweak it according to my liking. Got pretty contented with it, though i know i need to work on with my creativity once again. How did i get soo rusty?! lol.

Hoping to catch up with CSS/HTML and Photoshop in the coming days because i believe I might need that skill in the coming future.Wish me luck!

Monday, July 29, 2019

For the future!

I came across a post *again* regarding savings/investing. As a parent (and a mimimum wage earner), I can say that saving is not really easy. Especially, when you are sending someone to school and when you have a newborn baby to took care of. The expenses are unlimited. From school stuff down to medical necessity such as vaccines! Good Lord! Vaccine for kids are always P1500 and up! 

Going back to the real topic. I have this parental urge to save for the future, not only for the kids but for my husband and I as well. I was able to save up for a Tricycle last year, now it's already operating(I turned it into a school service/business) and I can call it as an asset. My husband and I goal for the coming year is to open an account for our emergency fund. We're just on our 26-ish so I think we can still catch up for these investments. After that, We will open up a savings account individually and the college fund and insurances will follow. Hopefully, We can finish saving for some of these before we reach 30. 

These might be hard but I'm not open for negativity. Always looking forward to achieve my short term goals. We will just have to sacrifice and forget the "luho" for the next years but Hey, we can enjoy our lives when we reach 40. Lol. 

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Online Selling

I have decided to declutter my old gadgets and sell them online. I tried utilizing shoppee however I failed using it. The interface is not user friendly!! Maybe just for me. Lol. So i used Facebook Marketplace and it's really an interactive place to sell stuff. You will see how many people had viewed your item and the market is really big since everyone, like literally, everyone has been using facebook nowadays. 

I was able to sell all my items in less than 2weeks. It feels good to earn extra money thou I got sep-anx letting go of the gadgets that I used to enjoy before. Well, the depreciation of gadgets is really fast so, we just need to decide if we will sell them or keep it till it got no value anymore. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Parenting Chronicles

Let me start this with informing y'all that I'm a mother of 2, a 4yo pre-schooler and an unborn baby. Lol. I'm still waiting for my "bunso" to come out. I'm on my 37th week so yea, just counting the days till i meet my little one. 

Parenting was never easy. I was reading a lot of post about parenting. Yes they are informative however, I must say that parenting will always vary from case to case. Not every suggestion or observation would be applicable to every kid. In my take, as long as you show love more than any other emotion is enough to become a better parent. 

I'm guilty of being a disciplinarian-mom. I would say no most of the times. It just that i can't bear to have a spoiled-brat kid. We are living with my parents so yea, Grandma and Grandpa are already giving her everything so I must sacrifice and be the antagonist. In my end, as long as I'm giving her genuine love and support, I know I will be a better mom. 

Let's not give a damn what society will say about our parenting. We know what's best for our children. Let's stop comparing and just focus on our own families. Hoping that time will come and all of the parents out there will claim that they've become the parents they want them to be. 

Monday, July 22, 2019

Try'na be back!

Here I am again, back from being long-gone hiatus, however, I must say that I'm gonna be back for good since I need this to improve my writing skills once again. As if that I was good at writing before. Lol.

I'm gonna post random stuff here but I'll do my best to produce post with a senseful content. Wish me luck! Gonna need to motivate myself to do more than what I'm doing already so I'll become succesful in the career that I'm going to take, talking about freelancing.

I'm very open for suggestions and advises especially from someone who do freelancing for a living <3